.com.co domeinnaam registreren

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co terms&conditions

electronically translated co terms & conditions 

 What is a domain name and why it serves? A domain name name is a unique alphanumeric name used to identify a Web site in Internet. As well as you have a telephone number by means of which she can be located, the domain name name allows to find its direction in Internet. Two types of domain names at superior level exist: those of global code (gTLD) and those of code of country (ccTLD). The domain names of superior level of global code (gTLD) were created to make registries of domain names at world-wide level and make reference to the activity of their owner. The domain names of superior level of code of country (ccTLD) indicate the country where they were created. In the case of Colombia, the domain name is CO At the moment they exist near 200 NICs (Network Information Center), ordered to register the domain names of each país.En Colombia the lending organization of the service of registry is the University of the $andes. Therefore, if CO wishes to register a domain name is necessary that it does it by interval our. To return to index of frequent questions Which is the structure of a domain name? In Colombia, the domain name is made up of three fields, with the character "." (point) like separator. By ej: uniandes.edu.co where: First field (uniandes): name, abbreviation or abbreviation of the name of the Organization or Company owner of the domain name, Second field (edu): character of the Organization or Company, Third field (Co): abbreviation of Colombia. First Field It must correspond to the name of the company or organization. (Name or Teaches Commercial, Trade name, Registered tradename)? The only valid characters for a domain name name are the letters of the English alphabet ("to" - "z", the DNS does not distinguish between capital letters and small letters), the digits ("0" - "9") and the script ("-"). It cannot have spaces? The character (ñ) is not valid. First and/or the last character of the domain name cannot be the script (-) nor underscore (_).? The Maxima length admitted for a domain name under "Co" is of 63 characters (the Maxima recommended, by practical reasons and of configuration, is of 24 characters). The applicant is responsible by the use for the name of the domain name and the subdomain names that she delegates as well. Second field In agreement with the character of your Organization you must choose the second field of your domain name. This field will facilitate the search of its name, therefore, must express of form needs the character its Organization. Depending on the type of organization and her social object, the second field of the domain name can be: Requisite description Completion * For Local commercial organizations com.co To send: * 1, Photocopy of 2, card NIT Certificado of the Chamber of Commerce 3, Carta of request specifying the name of the required domain name. 4, Letter of responsibility properly hastened (format) It is preferred that the name of the domain name corresponds to the trade name of the company. If one is another name, it is required, in addition, copy of the Registry of Mark. Request companies outside Colombia The asked for documents are: * 1, Photocopy of card NIT and the Certificate of the Chamber of Commerce of the proxy. 2, To be able for the Company/signature of Lawyers emitted directly by the company applicant. 3. Equivalent of the Certificate of the Chamber of Commerce in the origin country. 4. When the domain name does not agree with the trade name, the corresponding registry of mark is due to send. 5 4. Letter of responsibility properly hastened (format) More information companies outside Colombia Institutions of education or investigation edu.co Enviar: * 1, Photocopy of 2, card NIT Certificacio'n sent by the ICFES, the Secretariat of Education, or Certified of the Chamber of Commerce. 3, Letter of request specifying the name of the required domain name. 4, Letter of responsibility properly hastened (format) nongovernmental Organizations org.co Enviar: * 1, Photocopy of 2, card NIT Legal Personeri'a or Certificate of the Chamber of Commerce. 3, Letter of request specifying the name of the required domain name. 4, Letter of responsibility properly hastened (format) Embassies org.co Enviar: * 1, Photocopy of 2, card NIT Carta of the ambassador in membreteado paper. 3, Letter of request specifying the name of the required domain name. 4, Letter of responsibility properly hastened (format) governmental Agencies gov.co Enviar: * 1, Photocopy of card NIT. 2, Certification of which the organization is governmental enclosing following documents: decree of creation, certificate of office of the civil employee or official letter of the legal representative in membreteado paper. 3, Letter of request specifying the name of the required domain name. 4, Letter of responsibility properly hastened (format) military Agencies mil.co Enviar: * 1, Photocopy of card NIT. 2, Certification of which the organization is military man enclosing the following documents: decree of creation, certificate of office of the civil employee or official letter of the legal representative in membreteado paper. 3, Letter of request specifying the name of the required domain name. 4, Letter of responsibility properly hastened (format) Suppliers of Services of Internet net.co Enviar: * 1, Photocopy of 2, card NIT Certificado of the Chamber of Commerce 3, Carta of request specifying the name of the required domain name. 4, Letter of responsibility properly hastened (format) is preferred that the name of the domain name corresponds to the trade name of the company. If one is another name, it is required, in addition, copy of the Registry of Mark. People natural nom.co Enviar: * 1, Photocopy of the certificate 2, Carta of request specifying the name of the required domain name. 3, Letter of responsibility properly hastened (format) * The documents must be sent by ONE of these three routes: Scanned: email: adminco@uniandes.edu.co certified Mail: Cra. 1ª No. 18 To 70 Building RGB Bogota, DC Fax: (1) 3324491 Volver to index of frequent questions How is made up a name of domain name? In Colombia, the domain name is made up of three fields, with the character "." (point) like separator. Let us take our case: uniandes.edu.co First field: name, abbreviation or abbreviation of the name of the Organization or Company owner of the domain name. Second field: character of the Organization or Company Third field: abbreviation of Colombia. First Field: In the composition of the first field of the name of your domain name you can use: letters from the "a" to the "z"; the digits of the "0" to the "9", and the script ("-"). the Maxima length recommended is of 24 characters. You cannot: To use ñ neither tildes, to begin or to finish with script (-) nor underscore (_), nor can have spaces. The capital letters and the small letters are not diferenciables. Second Field: In agreement with the character of your Organization you must choose the second field of your domain name. This field will facilitate the search of its name, therefore, must express of form needs the character its Organization. Description commercial Companies com Institutions of education or investigation edu nongovernmental Organizations org governmental Agencies gov military Agencies mil Suppliers of Services of Internet net natural People nom To return to index of frequent questions What represents the name of a domain name? A domain name name is a unique alphanumeric name used to identify a Web site in Internet. To return to index of frequent questions What is a name of generic domain name? A name of generic domain name is that that is not related to the trade name of the Organization but that it uses a word or set of them like denomination for his name in Internet in order to describe a service, an activity or a product. To return to index of frequent questions Who can ask for a domain name? According to the policies of domain name co, for the registry of a name the domain name is required a unique identification and properly registered before commercial authorities. A name of domain name under the completions com.co, edu.co, org.co, net.co can be asked for by companies or organizations, or legal people who have NIT and are registered in the Chamber of Commerce. The natural people with citizenship certificate can SOLELY register a domain name under the completion nom.co To the organisms of the state and the military administrations gov.co and mil.co correspond the domain names to them with completions respectively. The applicant must provide the information sufficient to be able to settle down and to evaluate the effectiveness of the domain name name with which she would be registered in the network. It is the one who provides the name with which he wishes to be registered. In all the cases it by that same one is due to hasten the registry form that appears in our page Web and to send via. The registrantes must contract a Supplier of Services of Internet to obtain the services of hosting and the names of the servants and the directions IP, information indispensable for the diligenciamiento of the form. The University of the $andes does not serve of hosting. The name of the asked for domain name enters study, on aspects such as: Existence of a name of similar domain name. Names of domain name already registered. Correspondence between the name of domain name and the trade name of the company. People responsible (contacts within the company) for the asked for domain name. Objectives of the use of the domain name name. The name of a domain name is permanent and can be conserved, as long as the registrante is to safe peace and with its payments. To return to index of frequent questions How to ask for a domain name? All the process is made through the page Web of domain name CO: www.dominio.co Steps: 1. The client enters the page. 2. In the option "to consult" he indicates the name that wishes to register. 3. The system verifies that the asked for name is free. 4. If the domain name is free, the client presses the option "to solicit". 5. The page corresponding to the policies unfolds. 6. The client must read them. 7. At the end of these, they appear to him 2 options: "acceptance" and "nonacceptance". 8. When pressing "acceptance" unfolds the form. 9. This it must be hastened in his totality, including information of the organization and of 3 contacts: administrative, technical and of payment. In addition, it must include the name of the servants and directions IP. In order to collect this data, it must have contracted a Supplier of Services of Internet. 10. The system has restrictions like control mechanism to receive solely the forms that properly are hastened. 11. It sends the form, 12. It must send documents asked for, depending on the type of organization applicant (To see REQUIREMENTS) the documents must be sent by ONE of these three routes: Scanned: email: adminco@uniandes.edu.co? Certified mail: Cra. 1ª No. 18 To 70 Ed. RGB Bogota, DC? Fax: (1) 3324491 13. If it fulfills the requirements, it receives mail of approval and request of invoice. 14. The client must hasten his invoice, acceding to the sent Link. 15. On the following day the invoice is emitted. 16. It is sent by certified mail, which is delayed 2 or 3 days. 17. The same day of emitted the invoice a mail is sent to him to the client with a Link corresponding to the format of enterprise collection, in order to make agile the payment. 18. The client can enter this Link and print format 19. The client must make his payment of $160,000 by two (2) years, in CONAVI where is the exclusive account of the domain name, presenting/displaying or it is the format of enterprise collection or the invoice. 20. Verified the payment by means of consultation with the Electronic Management, the domain name activates. 21. The system sends a mail to the three contacts informing to them the activation into the domain name. To return to index of frequent questions Which are the required contacts? All request requires to have three contacts: Administrative, Technical and for Payment. Administrative contact Is the designated person to represent the company or organization that use will do of the domain name. Technical contact Is the person in charge of the technical aspects of maintenance of the DNS, to maintain updated the name of the servant and to interact with technical personnel. Contact for Payment Is the one in charge of the payment proceedings of the maintenance tariff of the asked for domain name. All the contacts must have electronic direction and establish general an electronic direction of the organization applicant to receive official official notices of the Administrator of domain name CO. To return to index of frequent questions What specificationses are due to fulfill? The registrantes must contract the service of hosting with a Supplier of services of Internet (ISP) and thus to obtain the name of the servants and the directions IP, requirement indispensable for the operation of the domain name. If you have the service of lodging (hosting) of pages Web contracted with a Supplier, is this one that must inform directions IP and the names into the servants primary and secondary one that corresponds to him. If the servants are of their company, please, he consults with his technical contact. He will indicate the corresponding numbers to him to be including in the form. He is indispensable that its name of domain name has two different servants: a primary servant of names and a secondary servant of names. These two servants never can be equal. In no case direction IP can correspond to a machine of the University of the $andes, because we do not offer this service. To return to index of frequent questions What importance must update the data in the form? In agreement with the policies of domain name CO, the registrante is the only person in charge of the information provided in the form of registry and the communications by him sent. To him the commitment corresponds to maintain updated all the data demanded in the form, to allow to the communication between the Administrator of Dominio.CO and the people in charge of the registered domain name. In opposite case, domain name CO does not become person in charge by the loss of the sent communications whatever it is the used means (email, certified mail, telephone call, etc.) and it will be able to come to make the actions informed in them effective. To return to index of frequent questions What type of contract settles down? On contract In accordance with the recommendations done by the World-wide Organization of Propiedad Intelectual (OMPI), to the ICANN - which was welcomed by domain name Co- the registry of domain name names must be perfected through a formal contract subscribed between the Recorder and the applicant. This contract is perfected with the agreement of wills expressed by the parts: one, asking for a service and the other, providing it of effective way. In agreement with the previous thing, the system of registry in line used by domain name CO is a contract between the NIC Colombia and the clients of domain name CO. The contract occurs by via electronics in form of message of data (Internet, electronic mail), in agreement with the allowed thing by the norms of the Code of Commerce of Colombia - applying to the norms on valuedly accepted supply and contracts between absentees -. This ratify the norms on Electronic Commerce of Colombia (527 of 1999 2000 Resolution and, Law Decree 1747 26930 of 2000) when they give the same reach, effect and probatory validity him to contracts made by average digitalises, that recognized acts and contracts made by traditional means (paper). The conditions and requirements that domain name CO puts to consideration of the third which they ask for the registry of a domain name name constitute in a contractual text similar to contracts and conditions pro forma used by the borrowers of cellular movable telephony or borrowers of services of added and telemático value. In such a way that, when the client hastens the form of registry of a name of domain name in electronic form through the pagina Web of domain name CO, he is showing the consent and acceptance of the conditions raised there. Doctrinal theory of click With the coming of the electronic commerce the theory arose from the consent expressed via click, is to say that, when it notices the applicant to him who is put under the expressed conditions and this manifest his assent having pressed the key to enter and doing click (as it is asked for before the shipment of the registry form) the client it express his conformity with the conditions established by NIC-Colombia for the use of a domain name name CO. The doctrinal theory of click was ratified in the text of the Law of Electronic Commerce of Colombia (law 527 of August of 1999). To return to index of frequent questions When is finished the contract? When being contractual a conmutativa relation, the lack of fulfillment of the conditions established by one of the parts, gives rise that the finished other of by or suspends the execution of the same one. In agreement with the previous thing, the lack of payment by concept of the service, gives right to the Administrator of domain name CO, to give by finished the contract or to suspend the benefit of the service. These procedures are mentioned and authorized by the recommendations of the OMPI to the ICANN. This last one advises inclusively, which domain name names do not activate, until as much the client does not make the payment. Of equal way, if the owner of a domain name name wishes to eliminate it, it can do it. For it, first of all, he is requisite indispensable that is to the day with its payments. Fulfilled this, CO can send a written communication to the Administrator of domain name soliciing from him that their domain name is eliminated of the data base. To return to index of frequent questions Which are the causes of suspension of the service? In agreement with the previous thing, the lack of payment by concept of the service, gives right to the Administrator of domain name CO, to give by finished the contract or to suspend the benefit of the service. These procedures are mentioned and authorized by the recommendations of the OMPI to the ICANN. This last one advises inclusively, which domain name names do not activate, until as much the client does not make the payment. To return to index of frequent questions Which is the procedure of invoicing and collection? A month before the victory of a domain name, the administration of domain name CO contacts via email with the contacts administrative, technical and of payment remembering the victory and giving to him instructionses to him of how elaborating the invoice and where to make the payment. For it, it is fundamental that the electronic directions that they appear in the form of registry of each domain name, are updated. To return to index of frequent questions How much it costs to register a domain name? To register a domain name name represents an investment of $160.000.oo (one hundred sixty thousand pesos Colombian) which gives right to use the domain name during 2 (TWO) years. In order to conserve it, the biennial quota in CONAVI is due to pay cumplidamente counts PATE 20184, presenting/displaying its invoice. As they establish the policies of domain name CO, the lack of payment of the obligations gives right to the Administrator of domain name CO, to give by finished the contract or to suspend the benefit of the service. To return to index of frequent questions How to know its situation payment? Entering www.dominio.co it can consult his statement of account at any time. To return to index of frequent questions How I recover my key? If you have updated the data in of the registry form, can recover the key through the page www.dominio.co, option "to recover key". If e-mails which they appear in the form are not effective, it must send a request letter, in membreteado paper, signed by the legal representative, including two-way traffic electronic to who them the answer can be sent. To return to index of frequent questions How I update my data? The data must update them entering the page www.dominio.co, option "update of data". To return to index of frequent questions How change the data of my servants? The servants must update them entering the page www.dominio.co, option "update of servants". Modify the pertinent thing. Press the button to update. The changes of the servants could only be effective 24 hours later while the information at world-wide level refreshes. Remember that these updates are made solely in working days. Fridays p.m. must make the changes before the 2. Of another form, we recommended to hope following Monday to him to make them. To return to index of frequent questions Which is the state of my account? The statement of account can consult it entering the page www.dominio.co, option "statement of account". To return to index of frequent questions How I eliminate my domain name? If by some reason it wishes to eliminate the name of its domain name, please sends a mail soliciing its cancellation a: nic@uniandes.edu.co To return to index of frequent questions How change the name of my domain name? The name of its domain name cannot change. The only alternative is to eliminate the present domain name by means of the shipment of a mail a: nic@uniandes.edu.co and to make a new registry with the wished name. To return to index of frequent questions Who handles the registry of domain names in Colombia? In Colombia, the University of the $andes is the lending organization of the service of registry of domain names of Internet for Colombia. In the international language it is the NIC (Network Information Center) official delegated by InterNIC. For that reason, all organization who wishes to register a domain name CO must do it by interval our.

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